Fetomaternal Hemorrhage

Virginia Female Attorneys Stand up for Injured Mothers and Newborns

One complication during pregnancy is fetomaternal hemorrhage (FMH). This occurs when the blood cells of the fetus enter into the mother's blood circulation. FMH can occur as the result of obstetrical procedures, injury, placental abrup­tion, and labor, amongst others.

FMH frequently leads to adverse pregnancy outcomes, like stillbirth, prematurity, and neonatal anemia. Only about half of the cases of massive FMH result in the death of the fetus, but exact estimates of unfavorable outcomes are uncertain.

Medical professionals have a responsibility to accurately diagnose FMH and to undertake essential procedures to provide sufficient treatment. If doctors or nurses fail to properly treat you and your child and the resulting negative outcome is a birth injury, it may constitute medical malpractice. Speak with a Fairfax fetomaternal hemorrhage attorney at Jones & Rostant, PC, to help you file a birth injury lawsuit and to receive the maximum amount of compensation for your losses.

You may be able to receive compensation for:

  • All related medical costs

  • Additional medical care;

  • Emotional pain and suffering; 

  • Grief if mother or child passes away; and 

  • And more depending on each individual case.

Symptoms of Fetomaternal Hemorrhage

Many pregnancies include at least some transfer of fetal blood into the maternal circulation - in small amounts, this phenomenon is perfectly normal. However, in some cases, the hemorrhage is large enough to complicate the pregnancy and can end in stillbirth or delivery of a baby suffering from anemia. Unfortunately, the symptoms of a massive fetal-maternal hemorrhage can be hard to identify at the most critical time for the mother and the fetus.

Symptoms of FMH often include:

  • Feeling faint or weak;

  • Lower abdominal pain;

  • Other symptoms of anemia.

Critically, if a medical provider who does not take action after noticing these some of these signs of FMH or believes the patient could be suffering from this condition for other reasons could be found to be medically negligent and accountable for resulting damages.

Call our Virginia fetomaternal hemorrhage lawsuit lawyers at (703) 352-0522 for a free case review.

Discuss your case with our Fairfax fetomaternal hemorrhage attorney at Jones & Rostant, PC, to learn about birth injury claims. Call at (703) 352-0522 or visit the contact us page.