Brain Injuries

Virginia Female Attorneys Stand up for Injured Mothers and Newborns

Brain injury can change your life once and for all. In fact, it may even impact your family. The effects of a brain injury depend on the severity of the damage. In some cases, brain injuries lead to physical impairment. In others, the victim may suffer from emotional and psychological complications.

Speak with a Fairfax brain injuries attorney to determine whether your case qualifies for a medical malpractice lawsuit. Contact Jones & Rostant, PC, to assess the effects of your brain injury, collect evidence proving medical malpractice, and evaluate your monetary damages and losses.

Medical Errors That Lead to Brain Injuries

There are various medical errors that lead to brain injuries:

  • Birth injury

  • Medication errors

  • Surgical errors

  • Anesthesia negligence

  • Misdiagnosis

  • Untreated conditions, illnesses, and infections

Unlike traumatic brain injuries, brain damage caused by medical errors is usually caused by the lack of oxygen to the brain. Nonetheless, it does not make this injury type less serious.

Brain Injuries and Medical Malpractice

Not all brain injuries are developed as a result of traumatic events, as there can also be medical causes. These include:

  • Birth injuries. Obstetricians are required to accurately diagnose any potential complications during pregnancy and make appropriate decisions during the prenatal, natal, and postnatal phases to prevent brain injuries, cerebral palsy, and other defects.

  • Delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis. Not all brain injuries are easily detected and diagnosed, which is why physicians must review test results and diagnose patients with utmost care. If a physician fails to recognize a brain injury, he or she can be sued if another competent physician would have diagnosed the injury under the same consequences.

  • Improper prescription. When a doctor fails to examine a patient’s medical history or makes medication errors, the patient may suffer a brain injury.

  • Post-surgery complications. Brain surgeries can be rather unpredictable, which is why any medical errors during surgery can lead to irreparable harm. A surgeon must also inform a patient of any potential side effects, risks, and complications.

  • Anesthesia errors. While administering anesthesia is a vital element of performing surgery, it carries many risks. An anesthesiologist must examine a patient’s medical history, consider his or her medication use, and ensure that the dosage is adequate for the patient’s condition, age, and other factors.

Call our Virginia brain injury lawsuit lawyers at (703) 352-0522 for a free case review.

If your injury was the result of any of the above-mentioned medical errors, you might be able to sue the negligent doctor and/or hospital. Discuss your case with our Fairfax brain injury attorney at Jones & Rostant, PC, to determine liability and establish a duty of care. Call at (703) 352-0522 or visit the contact us page.