Surgical Errors


Each year, surgeons perform up to 50 million surgical procedures in Virginia and across the United States. Although most of these invasive and non-invasive procedures go smoothly, some lead to preventable injury caused by surgical errors.

Typically, a patient is warned about the possible risks associated with the proposed surgery. While surgeons are expected to minimize these risks, some are not able to adhere to the accepted standards of care. As a result, a patient could suffer temporary or permanent harm, which may entitle him or her to pursue a medical malpractice claim.

Contact a Fairfax surgical errors attorney at Jones & Rostant, PC, to determine whether the surgeon breached the established standards of care while performing the procedure. If he or she did, you might be entitled to monetary damages by suing the surgeon, hospital, and other parties.

Types of Surgical Errors

Surgical errors vary from one medical malpractice case to another, but some examples include:

  • Wrong-site surgery

  • Performing unnecessary surgery

  • Inadequate sanitary conditions for operation

  • Negligent use of surgical tools and equipment

  • Misreading test results

  • Failing to follow up after surgery

  • Discharging a patient prematurely

  • Failing to review patient history

  • Delaying surgery for an unreasonable period of time

  • Leaving tools and other foreign objects inside the patient’s body

  • Failing to recognize symptoms of complications

  • Causing damage to a body part that is not being operated on

  • Failing to adequately inform a patient of the risks and benefits

  • Failing to administer, or monitor, anesthesia properly

  • Inadequate monitoring of the patient

Regardless of what type of surgery you undergo, a negligent mistake can happen to anyone, whether it is a brain, back, spine, eye, or head surgery.

Are Surgery Complications Medical Malpractice?

Although the risk of complications exists in pretty much any medical procedure or surgery, a surgeon is required to inform the patient of all potential risks associated with the procedure.

In some procedures, complications are unavoidable, no matter how attentive and careful a surgeon is. In other cases, however, complications arise only because the surgeon fails to adhere to the established standards of care during surgery.

If a botched surgery was the result of the surgeon’s negligence, the patient might have a valid medical malpractice claim against the healthcare provider. A Fairfax surgical errors lawyer can help you seek compensation for any economic and non-economic damages caused by the surgeon’s negligent acts or omission to act.

Surgical errors can lead to severe injuries and long-lasting health problems. Preventable medical mistakes during surgery can change the patient’s life forever, leaving him or her disabled and unable to earn a living.

Call our Virginia surgical errors lawsuit lawyers at (703) 352-0522 for a free case review.

Regardless of how the surgical error occurred, you need a Virginia medical malpractice lawyer to investigate your case and determine liability. Contact Jones & Rostant, PC, to discuss your legal options. Call at (703) 352-0522 or go to our contact us page.